Interview with Rachael Cumberland – Dodd – Owner of Feed Marketing Agency
Rachael Cumberland-Dodd, originally from Nottingham is now a fully-fledged Guern. She is married to Nick, has one son Felix, aged 10 and one dog, Winnie aged 1.
Rachael runs her own marketing business called Feed Marketing and we asked her few questions about it.
Rachael, please can you tell us about your business and the services you offer?
My business is Feed Marketing, and I call myself a messaging and marketing guide. I offer packages to help marketing-shy biz owners get to the heart of what they do, and why it matters, then teach them how to share their message online. In a nutshell it’s mindset, messaging and marketing.
What motivated you to start your own marketing company?
I am an accidental entrepreneur. I worked in corporate marketing for 15 years, but after becoming a mum I realised that the work no longer fulfilled me or suited my values. I looked around for other 9-5 marketing jobs, but they all felt the same; they valued profit over people.
I always believed in marketing, and that it could be a force for good, but not the way it was being taught online. Too many people were practicing (and teaching) marketing that had manipulation or money at its core, and it felt wrong to me. I couldn’t find a job that aligned with my way of marketing and doing business, so I started Feed.

Photo credit: Rachael Cumberland-Dodd
Who are your clients? Do you focus your services only on people from a specific industry?
I work with clients all over the globe, I only have one CI client at the moment. The majority of my clients are coaches, healers, wellness practitioners – basically conscious business owners who want to make an impact in the world, whilst earning a good income. They tend to have big hearts and a big fear of marketing themselves, so much of the work I do is build confidence and courage.
What would you say is the definition of good marketing?
Good marketing doesn’t feel like marketing. Good marketing should feel like a conversation between two people or the natural building of a relationship that results in an invitation to work together. I think the golden rule of thumb is treat everyone like a friend. If someone feels ‘marketed to’ then you’re not considering them as a friend, you’re thinking of them like a cash machine.
Imagine someone who just started their own business in the Channel Islands. What would be the most important piece of advice you would give to them?
Oh golly, so much advice.
1. Firstly, think about why you want to be in business – it’s not easy (or always profitable) to start a business, so you need to have strong why or purpose and it doesn’t have to be about changing the world. Having time-freedom or being home for your kids is as important a why as any.
2.Talk to people. Get out from behind the keyboard (literally and figuratively) and either attend networking events locally or join online networking or accountability groups (there are loads out there). Speak to other business owners, ask Qs, get support, talk to people you think may be your ideal clients. Just make connections.
3. Don’t neglect your friends and family. Your first clients always come from your own network, or friends of friends, so make sure they know what you’re up to. Send a message asking for support or if they know anyone that may need your services. My first clients came this way, then they recommended me to others and it snowballed from there.
What does your typical day look like?
Zoom calls & dog walks! I have meetings with clients every day ex Friday, but I love it. I get to talk with people from Canada, US and Europe – and every time I get on a call I feel energised; I learn something new, or they have big aha’s. It’s a beautiful way to run a business.
Where do you go in Guernsey when you need to unwind?
I am a sea-swimmer – isn’t everyone nowadays? So you’ll usually find me swimming at The Bathing Pools.

Horseshoe swim in the morning. Photo credit: Rachael Cumberland-Dodd
How would you spend your perfect Sunday in the Channel Islands?
A sea swim from Horseshoe, followed by brunch at Coco, then probably a wee nap! And a dog walk at Port Soif or a game of tennis with the family…then another nap!
What’s a local dish you can’t live without?
It’s not very local but I do love an oat milk cappuccino and Scrambled Egg Croissant from Coco.
What activities would you recommend to your friends who are visiting the islands for the first time?
Sea swim, obvs! A trip to Herm is always on top of my list as is a cliff walk from town to Fermain. I think just wandering around the back streets of St Peter Port is pretty special, there are loads of interesting lanes to explore and history to be discovered.
Do you need to push your marketing efforts a bit further? Don’t hesitate to contact Rachael either via her website Feedmarketing or her Instagram account.