This year has seen its fair share of changes. As the world shuts down and slows it is still important for work to get done. Many businesses have shifted towards working to keep employees safe and healthy.
Working remotely has a bevy of benefits for both employees and employers. However, to get the most out of your remote working experience you must find a place that can support your creativity, bring you inner peace, and help you reach your full potential. Finding an opportunity to live for a short time in a rural area may benefit the quality and quantity of the work you produce.
When looking for a place to work, you need a place that has all of the necessities of daily life. You want a place that’s close to nature. You need a place that offers all of the things that you need to work successfully. You need a place with high-speed Internet and access to high-quality food and amenities. When looking for your next place for remote work, rural co-living can be your best option.
What is rural co-living?
With the new increased wave of people working remotely, new solutions have been identified that offer perfect living spaces for those on the move. Rural co-living was born out of the necessity for remote workers to find a place to live and work that is quiet, calming, and close to nature. Rural co-living is a living arrangement often in a small town or village where a group of like-minded individuals can share a living space.
Unlike an apartment or flat, co-living spaces generally allow individuals to have private living quarters while sharing amenities like the kitchen and bathrooms. These co-living spaces often have all of the things you need to live and work comfortably. Co-living spaces often provide food, drink, and high-speed Internet. Oftentimes these places can be rented for short periods of time so that you can live there for a while, experience the culture and nature, and move on when you’re ready.
Co-living arrangements often come with everything you need to work remotely. They offer high-speed Internet, quiet and modern workspaces, and peripheral items like printers and scanners. These arrangements are perfect if you plan on working a few hours a day while spending the rest of your time completely immersed in a new community.
Rural Co-living puts you directly into nature. Most rural Co-living arrangements are in small towns or villages where life is much slower, and nature is much nearer. These living areas will often give you access to beautiful jungles, majestic beaches, or breathtaking mountains. They are often close enough to nature that you feel connected to the earth while being near enough to civilization that you can find all of the amenities you need.
These living arrangements often give you access to close-knit communities that are welcoming to newcomers. When co-living near a rural village, it is common to build relationships with the locals and form friendships that can last a lifetime.
The Benefits of Rural Co-Living
Rural co-living has plenty of benefits for both the people who visit and live in the arrangements and the locals who help support them. Rural co-living is a great way to support communities and find your ideal place to work.
Rural co-living allows you to escape the hustle and bustle of city life. It allows you to work without distraction. When your surroundings become quieter, you generally work better. The external stress of city life is non-existent when you’re living in a rural community. Loud noises outside, busy traffic, and a crowded atmosphere all fall by the wayside when you choose to live and work in a rural area. A quieter area will allow you to focus more on your work. When it’s time to get work done, you will be able to perform your best because there will be no outside distractions.
Rural Co-living accommodations are perfect if you are looking to get work done from anywhere, while still trying to experience the beauty of nature. Most rural co-living spaces are equipped with everything you need to be successful in your remote work. High-speed Internet and quiet workspaces are usually available in any rural co-living situation.
Most places will also have peripheral materials like printers and scanners for you to use to get the most out of your on-the-go office. These places offer amenities that are perfect for your needs as a remote worker. Many places that offer rural co-living also have options for providing food and beverage for you during your stay. Most of these arrangements also have access to fresh linens and towels when you need them. These spaces are often cleaned by maintenance staff so you don’t have to spend your time cleaning. Other common amenities include complimentary access to washers and dryers, toiletries, and storage space. Some rural co-living spaces also offer unlimited fresh coffee always ready to fuel your work.
Many of these places will also organize group trips to explore the surrounding nature. Many co-living spaces offer events around the living space as well. Barbecues, socials, and movie nights are frequent happenings at many Co-living places. You will get to build real relationships with the people that you share a space with, if that is something you desire.
A common misconception is that remote work can be a lonely task. When you work and live in a rural co-living arrangement, your social life can flourish without the need to be face-to-face with your coworkers. You will not need to spend extra effort in time finding something to do in the city. Rural co-living provides you with the community that supports you when and how you need it.
Rural co-living also offers you the opportunity to get close to nature. Most rural areas have close access to a variety of different types of nature. There are rural Co-living opportunities that appeal to every ecosystem on the globe. If you want to spend your time near the beach, there are plenty of rural co-living spaces on tropical islands and other places near the ocean. If you prefer forests, jungles, and excessive plant life there are plenty of options for you. If you like it a bit colder and want to experience the majesty of the mountains, you can find rural co-living arrangements in adjacent villages. Rural co-living gives you constant access to nature. Unlike working in the city or a suburb, nature is a few seconds away, not a few hours.
When we spend time in nature, we often feel calmer and in touch with who we really are. Working in nature is also a great way to lower your stress. People with low stress or after much healthier and feel much happier. A lower stress level can make you feel much more comfortable with your work and play balance. Being close to nature will make you feel calmer and therefore you’ll be more resilient to negative stimuli.
A lower stress level can also reduce your chance of physical diseases like heart disease and mental illnesses like anxiety and depression. Low-stress levels can also increase your body’s immune system which can make it easier for you to fight off things like the common cold and flu. Overall, working and living in a rural area can literally help you live longer.
Living and working in nature is also a way to get new inspiration for your work. People who live in rural co-living arrangements are more likely to be creative during their work. They are more likely to come up with out of the box solutions the traditional employees will not. Rural living can provide a new perspective that can benefit both your work enter overall life. Living and working close to nature can provide you with new sources of inspiration than you’ve had access to before. This means that your work will be uniquely influenced by the things that surround you.
Your new living arrangement may make it easier for you to come up with unique and effective solutions to problems. Living in a rural co-living community also gives you access to new points of view. In most situations, you will be sharing a space with other remote workers that are very different from you. Your relationships with these people may influence the inspiration you have for certain creative projects.
Rural co-living is also a great way to connect with smaller communities and different cultures. Learning about different types of people and where they come from is a great way to inspire your work. When you become more well-rounded, you can improve your overall life and your ability in the workplace. Meeting people from different places and experiencing their culture is a great way to grow as a person. Rural co-living gives you a unique perspective from which to approach problems.
Many rural co-living spaces across the globe are inhabited by young professionals in a variety of jobs. Entrepreneurs and digital nomads alike tend to use rural co-living spaces to cultivate the surrounding for success. When you use a rural co-living arrangement, you are often putting yourself nearby and in conversation with intelligent and like-minded professionals. Building these relationships can result in future collaboration and may even inspire your current work.
Putting work aside, world co-living can add a lot of value to do your life outside of work. In most rural Co-living arrangements, you can spend a few months living in a new place. This allows you to get immersed in the new culture and make genuine relationships with the people who live there. You get to truly learn what it is like to live in a place like this for a long period of time. You get to become accustomed to the cultures and traditions of the people who lived there.
You also have a great opportunity to try new things. Rural Life can open up countless opportunities for trying new activities that you don’t have access to in the typical city setting. A rural living will also give you access to new foods and cuisines you’ve never tried before. If you’re looking for a great way to learn about people from around the world and yourself at the same time, rural co-living is the best option.
Another great benefit to rural co-living is that you are not tied down to one place for very long. Most rural living arrangements can be leased or rented from anywhere between a few weeks and a few months. This offers you the perfect amount of time to immerse yourself in a place and its culture without getting bored. When you’re finished at a certain location, you are free to move anywhere else in the world. You are not required to stay in one place for years at a time to complete your work. You can jump from place to place, staying at different co-living accommodations.
Rural Co-living also comes with a bevy of benefits for the small towns and villages that you live in. The village economy will be directly affected by your presence. When you pay for this living space, you’re most often paying locals who will then reinvest that money in the area. Participating in local events and shopping at local businesses will also help in smaller economies. Your presence there can also give locals jobs that they were not able to have before. When you stay in a co-living space there are often attendants that clean and prepare rooms for new guests. Without your staying there, these people may not have jobs.
Where to Rural Co-live
Many places all over the globe offer high-quality community based rural co-living arrangements for young professionals. Choosing a place will be highly personalized for each remote worker. You should choose a place that you’re interested in living in. Deciding on a place based on the culture of the people is a great way to ensure you will enjoy immersing yourself in a new way of life.
If a certain type of nature brings you joy, finding a rural area that offers quick access will ensure that you will utilize the space. It is also important to take into account the cuisine of a place you’re going to live in. You want to find a place where you will enjoy the food, the company, the culture, and nature.
One of the most popular places to try rural co-living is Spain. The country features hundreds of lowly populated villages and towns that are a perfect escape from a busy life. The co-living scene in Spain has been growing recently as more and more young professionals spend their time working and living in small Spanish communities.
Spain has a rich culture that many enjoy immersing themselves in. The cuisine in the country offers a wide variety of delicious meals. There’s something for everyone. Spain offers some of the most beautiful landscapes on the entire planet. Living in the Spanish countryside will you perform your remote work is a great way to take in beautiful sunrises and breathtaking sunsets. The number of rural co-living spaces in the country makes it easy to travel around and see different parts. If you’re looking for a place it has it all when it comes to rural co-living, Spain may be your go-to choice.
If Spain isn’t your scene, there are plenty of options all over the world to experience the best and co-living. Rural co-living, whether done off the coast of New Zealand or in the fjords of Sweden, is a great opportunity to see the world as you work. These arrangements help you build community with the people around you so that you feel like you have a purpose. Living in a rural co-living arrangement is the ideal situation if you really want to excel at your remote work. If you want to get the most out of your remote work experience while you still have the chance, rural co-living is for you.
Find out more about rural co-living in the following article: 5 reasons you should try rural coliving