Co-living- The New Way to Live

Co-working has been trending over the last few years, even with the pandemic in full swing. What is next? Co-living: the new collective spaces that are perfect for a pivot within the hotel industry and beyond.

Undoubtedly there are some design challenges involved in living and sharing in a creative environment, but spaces are popping up all over Europe, embracing this new form of innovative living.

What is co-living?

It didn’t exactly start with co-working…that’s what you will be told. But this type of living was trendy in some of the progressive Scandinavian countries in the 70s.

It’s not a hotel, but it’s also not a flatshare. It’s a collective of people – both overnight stays and more extended stays – from several days, weeks, months, or potentially years. Each individual or couple has their own room and living space with a bathroom. Some could even have a small kitchenette. But the residents or guests can access a range of extensive and creative communal areas, such as a large kitchen, library, living room, or herb garden. The interior design is indicative of luxury apartments.

It’s not a flatshare because these tend to save you money and conjure up thoughts of filthy toilets and dirty dishes in the sink. Although Co-living can be less expensive than buying a home, it focuses more on living with similar people – but not in each other’s pockets!

The design is focused on prompting people into creative and shared spaces.

The added bonus of co-living…as with serviced apartments, you don’t have to worry about the utility bills, maintenance, internet connection, and cleaning.

Why Co-Living?

The concept of co-living is becoming attractive as a solution to many of the current problems all our city citizens face. There is a new value of autonomy and flexibility over ownership. The high prices of real estate and increased demand for housing push up demand for adequate living space in the cities. Co-living can offer a home in a large city but without the overheads.

Even though we live in large cities, our sources of social contact are in deteriorating, particularly during shutdowns and controlled movement orders. It is not everyone’s desire to live alone. There is a definite shift from the old value of separatism happening. Co-living can combine aspects that people value, such as a sense of community, sustainability, and a collaborative economy. This way of living can also stave off the loneliness that comes with big city living.

Who is supplying this Co-Living opportunity?

The co-living concept is a model that may appeal to conventional hotel chains aiming to develop or pivot their collections. Many of the hotels have the infrastructure. They will need to improve and re-design areas to enhance collaborative or communal spaces. Then they can essentially become a combination of a hotel, hostel, and resident rooms.

Co-working meets co-living

The current world is being forced to reinvent togetherness. Co-working and co-living are current trends making the new collective experience possible. Co-living takes co-working to the next level. It mixes living and working while utilising designed spaces to offer an agreeable shared experience. Many of the new opportunities in this area target their business at the digital nomad or young professional who wants to live and work in stylish, creative surroundings with all the benefits and without the price tag or permanency.

What makes Co-living Successful?

The key to success with this type of living will always be in the interior, combing the functionality of student halls with the refinement of a boutique hotel.

Mixing a blend of casual comfort and intuitive design, original accessories, and digital amenities. It needs to be a stimulating environment with clean lines and unmistakably inviting.

Collaborative spaces where people can share plates and meals is another way that co-living can give a sense of community and belonging to people. Individuals who essentially live alone but have a community around them.

There is also a move to make the co-living experience an interactive city living experience. Creating collaborative spaces conducive to social interactions – such as bars in the lobbies where people from the city can sit and mingle. Allowing for pop-up areas to host artists who can cater for residents and locals. Delivering creative workshops open to locals and guests, bringing the city into the co-living space.

Also, people are generally seeking places that are maintained and more conveniently located. Co-living spaces are designed and managed by companies specialized in house sharing. If they deliver on their promise, people don’t have to deal with shared living contracts or bills. They simply rent a room that comes pre-furnished and decorated. Stylish communal amenities, including kitchens, social areas, co-working spaces, and professional cleaning services, make these living spaces perfect.

Who Does Co-Living Benefit?

Digital nomads and global citizens will adapt well to these spaces. They have been using co-working spaces as their primary source of communal living. They now have the option to choose one based on location rather than hopping between Airbnb’s.

Another growing niche market is the slightly older professional person who desires additional space and privacy but wants a sense of community. This all comes with the bonus of flexibility and convenience of not owning a property.

Co-living is the way of the future for metropolis living. The uptake has already started in some parts of Europe. It offers flexibility, convenience, and a sense of community, all in a stylish liveable package. Why wouldn’t it be the next big trend?

Find out more about co-living in the following article: 5 reasons you should try rural coliving